I decreased the snake population of Sierra Leone by one again today! I know that it is not much... but one step at a time, right!!! It is always disconcerting when you find one in a place that you don't expect. I am always careful in places that I know that they like to be, under rocks and pieces of wood, in tall grass, etc. However, this one I found on the porch, out in the open, trying to squirm under the water barrel. I solemnly informed him, in no uncertain terms, that THIS WAS NOT HIS ROOM! I think he figured it out! :} I have to laugh though. See, in this part of the world there are a lot of different types of snakes, and all of them except two are poisonous. So the only good snake is a dead snake...literally! And, they are VERY good - quite tasty! Unfortunately, this one was too small to be worth the work, so instead Jeepy (the genet) gets a feast. Oh well, I would gladly forego the eating of snake in favor of not finding a big one on my front doorstep.
I found the snake about 15 minutes after my friend Namissa and I had been chatting on that same area of porch for about an hour. During our chat, the guinea fowl kept running through, acting strangely. I am wondering now if she was dealing with the snake during that time, in which case, God really protected us. Namissa is such an inspiration to me in so many ways, not the least of which is her complete trust in her God. She has an aunt who has had a severely prolapsed uterus for over a year. Namissa , in a time when many families are financially struggling, is selling her groundnut harvest to pay for her aunts surgery. I told Namissa that I admired the way that she was taking care of her aunt without ever a word of complaint. She looked at me, surprised, and said, "Why would I complain? God won't give me any load that is too much! He is the one taking care of me and everything that I need. He gives to me to help my aunt too! I don't have to worry for tomorrow."
Point taken!
I hope I can remember this tomorrow, too!
i would do well to remember that one too, faith!!