Friday, June 17, 2011

Here's one for all of you who just need a good laugh today! Okay, first - two seemingly unrelated questions which I promise will make sense by the end of this.
#1 - Do you ever wonder what a recording artist imagines his or her hearers will be doing while listening to their music?
#2- Are you ever going about your business when suddenly you get a glimpse of what you may look like to others if they were watching?
Now, before you think I've eaten one too many bananas...let me explain. Yesterday I was in the duldrums, just a little. So, I put on my MP3 player and listened to some music while I went about my work. I was dancing away to Amy Grant's House of Love CD, singing out loud, and probably off-key as I am not generally guilty of perfect pitch. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that I was being watched... by a genet (Jeepy) and three cameleons (who will eventually be his lunch -and let me tell you, you haven't been eyeballed until you have been eyeballed by a cameleon) - when I got one of those glimpses... there I was, in my tie-dye dress, with my self-inflicted haircut, putting peanuts through a hand-crank meat-grinder in order to make peanutbutter (even PB&J isn't easy here - BUT it IS organic!) - but every few cranks I had to stop and make a grab for my underwear - which have started to fall down (you know that you have lost weight when your underwear don't stay up!) Suddenly, I thought about Amy Grant and that she probably never imagined that anyone would be in the middle of West Africa, singing her songs for three cameleons and a genet while making peanut butter and holding up their underwear- and suddenly it was all very funny. Right then, my music switched to Michael Card singing - God loves you...
THAT is my thought for the day - for YOU! God LOVES you! In fact, He loves YOU! Even in the funny moments that you would never publish on a blog if you were sane - He loves you and is delighted with you!

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading your blog. :) You make me smile- just like way back in the 80's when you were my "big sister." :)
