Saturday, June 25, 2011

Many of you may wonder what life is like here - so here is a way that you can experience it for yourselves... First, turn off the electrical main to your house and turn off the gas line. Cover over all of your mirrors (the only one we have is six inches in diameter but most people don't have one at all). Fill several buckets with water, then turn off the water main. The water in the buckets can be used for flushing the toilet, washing the dishes, etc. Now hire about 15 neighbor kids to camp out on your front porch without any other adults present. Assign each of your own children an imaginary minor ailment of some kind and then force yourself to treat it using only what you already have in the house. Plan on treating at least 10 ailments of various kinds for the kids that have now occupied the front porch. Next, plan all of your meals without using potatoes, cheese, meat, vegetables, or eggs and nothing from the fridge or freezer - oh, and cook it all outside over a fire and three stones. Each time you start a task, if one of the kids doesn't call you, interrupt yourself in 3 to 5 minute intervals. Now you have a taste.
Before you start thinking that it is impossible, think of the plus side. In order to have a full taste of what my life is like everyday, surround yourself with at least 20 different types of birds and have them singing all day long.Imagine tropical scenery out of each window. Buy a few fresh pineapple and mangoes to eat. Each and every time that you take care of an interruption or tend a wound, imagine yourself profusely thanked. Imagine each of the 15 kids on your porch as cute enough to be on a poster somewhere and most of them are smiling. All of the sudden it doesn't seem half bad, does it? In addition to that, you are NEVER bored. :)
Remember this to0... what I have just described to you is plush living compared to everyone else here. We have it really good - so we share what we can, give jobs where we can, and give as much Jesus to everyone as we can. That part of my life is part of yours too!
P.S. For those of you who may have been just brave enough to try this, even for one hour, kudos to you!!! I hope you had fun! I do!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Faith, for keeping us up to date. I'm trying to figure out ways of sharing your adventures with others. I have given your blog link to some Christian friends, and will probably cut and paste your description of your daily events into my own blog. Blessings! Our prayers are with you.
