Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Okay, it took me a week, but I finally figured out how to enter my own blog. Don't laugh, the instructions are suddenly in French and the internet sometimes doesn't work. Anyway, we have now been in our new home for 1 week. Roy and I finally got our bed together last night, so we are off of the floor, no more spiders to sleep with. The kids have been on cots, except for Abby who has had her bed for 5 days now. Next we build a bed for the boys. We are still living out of trunks, as we have no dressers, but hey, we have been doing that since June. I think we are just determined to get the most out of our $18 Walmart trunks. LOL! I can't wait until the house is settled so that we can branch into ministry. I did, however, have my first case today. It is difficult, because I can't treat anyone until I have a Sierra Leone license, so I can look and I can carefully recommend, but I am afraid that this little boy may have something serious and chronic going on, so it is really hard to sit on my hands. I have decided to adapt a moto from Dori in Finding Nemo, "Just keep praying, just keep praying, la la-la la la " . It is also going to be interesting to see how we fit everything into a day. Clothes are washed on a washboard, water has to be boiled and strained, or else pumped through a filter, showers come with some assembly required. We made peanut butter the other day - it took us an hour, but we filled the whole jar. In the morning I get up and make cream of wheat or oatmeal over an open fire. Anyway, the people are great, and have been so kind to us. We have made several friends already. The school celebrated it's first graduating class the Saturday after we got here. God is good. Now, y'all go enjoy your running water and thank God for it today. :)