Monday, August 22, 2011

I have to add an addendum to my prior note. I like to "collect" funny sights. For example, as a family we have a contest to see who sees the funniest tee-shirt being worn. Remember that most of the clothing that is sold here comes from around the world and many people don't even know the meaning of the print on the tee-shirt they are wearing - this leads to some irony. We saw a young man of about 30 wearing a tee-shirt that said "THIS IS WHAT A REAL GRANDMA LOOKS LIKE". Another contest we have going is the most unusual sight on a motorcyle. I saw three men, plus the driver (making four total) on ONE honda. The funniest part was that it was coming straight towards me and they all wanted to see what was ahead and so they were leaning a little to each side. From my perspective, it looked like a four-headed man on a motorcycle coming my way! I have also seen two men and a goat on a motorcycle! Well, contest continues - I'll keep you posted.


  1. too funny! You should write down the T-shirt sayings with descriptions of who was wearing them. :)

    Amazing what can be moved on a motorcycle.

  2. You are right! We definitely should do that!

  3. i want to see /that/ real grandma!!!
