Saturday, August 20, 2011

I went grocery shopping today - no big deal right? Well, I though of all of you as I was returning. See, Everything I buy has to come back with me on a motorcycle. So, I came back with a 50 lb. bag of flour perched on the handle bars in front of the driver, I had a back pack full of tin cans, etc and between us I clutched a 24 pack of Coke ( a nice splurge) and 30 eggs. Yes, you read correctly 30 eggs in a flat open carton with no lid, all slid into a plastic bag. Now, I do have to explain that this is not paved road that I am talking about here - it probably would not even be considered a road where you come from, so it was a challenge, but I am happy to say that I arrived at home with all 30 eggs still intact and not on my shirt. I was so pleased. Another successful trip to the grocery store!! What I did today is really nothing. When we first arrived in the country, we purchased full size mattresses in town and they were carried out to the Bible school on motorcycles. I have also seen queen sized wooden bed frames - yes frames being carried by the passenger on the back of a honda. Where there is a will there is a way! I just though you would enjoy this - I wish I could post a pic - Oh well!


  1. Thanks, Faith, for telling us what it is like to be where you are. Few of us appreciate our comforts or even think of them as gifts from God, while you count it a blessing to arrive home from shopping with eggs intact.

  2. Thank you Uncle Alan! I just thought you would enjoy the mental picture! You have to admit -it is funny and every minute an adventure!
