Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ok... so, I guess I am on a little bit of a reality show theme. Yesterday it was Extreme Home Makeover, today it is Survivor. I have to admit it... I am not a fan of the Survivor shows (gasp... yeah, I know). When the first one was advertised, I thought it would be really cool, until I discovered that it was not so much about making sure to survive as it is about making sure that no one else does. I was bitterly disappointed. I found a version of Survivor on PBS that sent a group of people out to the prairie to survive like in the old pioneer days. Now THAT was an interesting show.
I say all that to say this, I spent the last three days doing the following...
1. Making beef jerky (from still-with-the-hide-on to dried and ready to eat)
2. Making candles using the leftover wax and pouring it into molds of Papaya leaf stems
3. Canning carrots, green beans, and grapefruit
4. Baking bread
5. Walking about 24 miles (divided in three different days), 3 miles of which were with a
broken flip-flop.
So...I have decided to host my own Survivor show. My family is probably the only participants (unless one of you want to come out and join us for a while, in which case you are definitely welcome!) I promise there would be no cutthroat tactics or secret alliances. THIS game is all about team work. Working together and making sure that we all make it to the end is the whole objective.
As I was thinking about all of this, I had a light bulb moment ( of course, there is no electricity here, so actual illumination occurred. Still...) THAT is what we are all about. We are here in Africa and as Christians we ALL are here on this earth to work together so that as many people as possible make it to the final ceremony... the great wedding feast in Heaven. If we play it right, we get to have as many people there as we wish. No limit on team size! We are all in a secret alliance together and the other team is not visible to the naked eye. I refuse to kick anybody off, in fact, we are trying to get as many people to join as possible.
So, let's strategize... I'll take this area since I am already here, you take your neighborhood, and we will tell as many people as we possibly can, as quickly as we can, because we don't know when the whistle will blow for the end of the game (okay, so maybe it's a trumpet, but you get the idea). This mission is not impossible :) (because ALL things are possible with God...) but let me tell you... the finish line is looming and there is much to be done. On your mark... get set...

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